Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Concept of House Reef

A concept that is critically claimed to have arose from the resorts in Maldives, house reefs an integral and prominent part of snorkeling. It is known as the best Maldives Island with house reef.

Maldives has an atoll topology and quite often it is found that some part of the land is surrounded by lagoons, i.e. shallow water before the island drops into the vast surrounding ocean. These regions have a plenty of marine life cluster. Interested folks can indulge in snorkeling in such reefs and enjoy the beauty of underwater nature at its best. The reefs can be either close or far away from resorts in terms of meters (e.g. 50m, 30m etc.). The close house reef defines the ‘drop off’ being close to the beach. Needless to say, it is one of most sought after scuba diving and snorkeling spots on the planet.

House reef is now considered to be an important criterion for selecting resorts in Maldives. Exotic underwater species such as wrasses, angelfish, parrot fish, surgeon fish, shells etc. can be seen in those reefs. Some of the famous resorts with close house feature are AngasanIhuru, Biyadhoo, Vilamendhoo, Kandolhu, Fihalhohi, Filitheyo etc. There are numerous others but former ones have gained widespread popularity due to their unmatched services.

Local Help

Maldives local island tour agents and troupes can be really helpful in finalizing stays in the island. Other miscellaneous help that they can render are in suggesting scuba diving points, surfing spots and food joints. This exotic holiday spot is blessed with many fine dining restaurants which serve mouth-watering sea food dishes. There are bars on top of water at some spots which make an everlasting impression on tourists and compel them to visit again and again. The Maldives local island tour guides are well versed with the geography of the island, and hence their data is accurate to a great extent, barring a few fraudulent cases which is unavoidable in most tourist places.

House Reef Advantages

The house reef is the area close to the vertical drop off where the coral activity which comprises of colorful fishes, shells, flora, garden etc. The beauty and diversity increases with the attachment of the coral to nature, which also accounts for a better quality of snorkeling. A few inherent benefits of house reefs are as follows:

• Easy access to drop off

• Direct diving from resort’s beach

• Sufficient activity to satisfy the hunger for viewing underwater life

• No need of finding separate spots

• One-stop solution to see most of Maldives

The island is an archipelago of coral islands and this provides an incredible marine life in its vicinity. Fortunately, travelers can always visit this destination to experience the marine bliss.

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